COMMUNITY IIS 2022 Advantages
Standard | Premium | |
Discount on technical events | 20% | 50% |
Sending material on IIS workshops (on request) | - | √ |
Discount on 2022 Scheduled Courses (except soldering in electronics) | 10% | 25% |
Discount on 2022 Scheduled Courses for soldering in electronics The discount does not apply to the fee for the teaching material |
10% | 15% |
Discount on personnel Training and Qualification activities at IIS schools as per 2022 Scheduled Courses (Genova, Mogliano Veneto e Legnano)* |
10% | 25% |
Free download of articles from the Italian Welding Magazine on Welding Library | - | √ |
Nr.1 free subscription to the Italian Welding Magazine in pdf format for the current year | √ | √ |
Nr.1 subscription to the Italian Welding Magazine in paper format for the current year | 50% | - |
Nr.3 free subscriptions (only for the Professional/Industrial and Welding Prod type and 1 free subscription (for the Personal type only to the Italian Welding Magazine in paper format for the current year | - | √ |
Supplementary subscriptions to the Italian Welding Magazine in paper format for the current year | 50% | 50% |
Free access to the "IIS Training" reports of the Italian Welding Magazine on Welding Library | √ | √ |
Free access to the bibliographic research on Welding Library | √ | √ |
Discount on IIS publications | 25% | 35% |
Direct support for IIW services access | √ | √ |
Discount on IIS Soft products | 10% | 20% |
IIS brand accessories for the Personal type only (to be collected at the IIS offices) | √ | √ |
2 hours consultancy/support by our experts annually (to be booked by email: |
- | √ |
Exclusive advantages for the Welding Prod category
Standard | Premium | |
Nr.1 free subscription to the Italian Welding Magazine in paper format for the current year | √ | - |
Virtual stand in WELDING EXPO for the current year on the IIS website | √ | √ |
Nr. 1 Meeting day at IIS or 1 article in the column «We tested it for you» published on the Italian Welding Magazine | - | √ |
Discount on the Media Kit advertising price list | 30% | 45% |
One-year advertising video on IIS website for the current year | √ | √ |
*more favourable conditions may be agreed on for a high number of participants
Note: discounts cannot be combined with other initiatives