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The laboratory of the Italian Institute of Welding Group is divided into Testing Laboratory, specialized in mechanical, technological, and special tests, and Welding Processes Laboratory where research, experiments, studies and setups are carried out with traditional and advanced welding processes.

The Testing Laboratory is accredited by ACCREDIA (National System for the Laboratories Accreditation) - Cert. nr. 0029 according to UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005 standard - for the execution of the most conventional tests on metallic and plastic materials.
At the laboratory facilities fracture mechanics tests, creep tests, corrosion tests and  tests in the field of microjoining are available.

The experience gained in metallography and corrosion, integrated with structural engineering competencies are adopted to undertake mechanical damage analysis and to perform metallurgical studies.
The laboratory can boast a longstanding experience in the design of testing programs related to the behaviour of base materials and welded joints, and addressed to failure analysis.
The annexed mechanical workshop allows the set-up of moke-up and of particular test equipments to carry out full-scale tests on small and medium components.

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Our services

Laboratory Testing

Conventional mechanical tests

The testing machines in the Italian Institute of Welding Group’s Laboratory allow to carry out the following  tests for the charcterization of metals, plastics and bolted connections. ...


Microscopic examinations

The Laboratory of the Italian Institute of Welding Group through various optical and metallographic microscopes and one  Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) is able to perform investigations in the field of microscopy to support the various activities within the Lab itself. Thanks to the SEM an high depth of field together the back scattered detector mode observations can be adopted; these features allow to use this powerful instrument both for micro-fractography and high-magnification analysis of metallographic polished samples. The microprobe EDS of which the SEM is equipped is an important practical tool to carry out  semi-quantitative chemical analysis of surfaces, excellent support for complex metallographic examinations for and failure analisys activities in the context for metallic materials and electronic components.    

Fracture mechanics tests

The Italian Institute of Welding Group performs fracture toughness test for determining CTOD, KIC, JIC, J-R, CTOD-R and NDTT. Thanks to the evaluations of these parameters at different temperatures...


Metallographic examinations

IIS Group boasts a longstanding experience in metallographic investigations. The Italian Institute of Welding Group's laboratory is equipped with up to date facilities for preparation, observation, recording of metallographic samples. Preparation, polishing, etching, resin incorporation and observation at optical or scanning electron microscope is our common procedure for metallographic investigations. The critical interpretation of results permits to add value to metallographic testing. The expertise we have gained over decades of services supplied to the Industry, has made available at our Group the knowledge of original material properties, fabrication processes, damage mechanisms occurring during the operational life of components. All this enables us to establish fundamental links  between the metallographic structures that we observe and  the quality of the fabrication  process and/or degradation/damage phenomena active during service .... to offer our Client the best possible advice.

Fatigue tests

The Italian Institute of Welding Group is able to carry out tests for characterizing the fatigue strength of materials, components, structural details or welded joints according to international st...


Corrosion tests

The target of a corrosion test of can be the verification of the quality/reliability of a base material and its manufacturing process as well as of welded joint. The weldability of a material as a general concept also implies the ability to maintain the corrosion resistance appropriate to the service required for the component. A corrosion test can be tailored and conducted to verify any standard quality requirements  in the context of a qualification/certification process or may assume the purpose of guidance in  materials selection and/or manufacturing methods optimizations, if there is the possibility to correlate the laboratory test with the real environment parameters. The Laboratory of the Italian Institute of Welding Group is able to perform, directly its facilities the most common corrosion/ stress corrosion cracking tests: environmental accelerated testing type ASTM B117 (neutral salt spray, acetic and cuproacetic salt spray); pitting and intergranular corrosion test on stainless steels and nickel alloys according to the most common international standards (ASTM G48, ASTM G28, ASTM A262, ASTM A763,) and Customer specific/custom (SAIPEM SPC. CR . UR. 510 rev. 04); crevice corrosion test on stainless steels, nickel alloys, titanium alloys and aluminum alloys; stress corrosion cracking (SCC) test on stainless steel (ASTM G36) and copper alloys (ASTM B858, ASTM G37); corrosion and stress corrosion cracking (SCC) test of aluminum alloys; dezincification corrosion tests of copper alloys.       

Tests on anticorrosion coatings

The Italian Institute of Welding Group's Laboratory is able to carry out tests for the characterisation of painting processes in accordance with International Standards or with reference to Customer Specifications. In the IIS Group, the interaction with IIS CERT (for the certification activities) and IIS SERVICE (for the Technical Assistance and Tests Engineering) can guarantee an integrated Service, whose added value goes beyond the simple execution of the Test. The Italian Institute of Welding Group's Laboratory is able to carry out in its premises the following Tests on coatings: thickness measurement of coatings applied to a substrate in accordance with UNI EN ISO 2808  Methods 6B, 7C and 7D; cross-cut test on paints and varnishes in accordance with UNI EN ISO 2409 or ASTM D3359 pull-off test for adhesion of paints and varnishes in accordance with  UNI EN ISO 4624 gritting resistance test in accordance with UNI EN 13261 colour determination in accordance with UNI 8941 determination of gloss value in accordance with UNI EN ISO 2813 bend test with cylindrical mandrel in accordance with UNI EN ISO 1519 cupping test in accordance with UNI EN ISO 1520 Buchholz indentation test in accordance with UNI EN ISO 2815 water resistance in cilmatic chamber at controlled RH accordance with ASTM D2247 rapid-deformation (impact resistance) test in accordance with  UNI EN ISO 6272 determination of resistance to liquids in accordance with UNI EN ISO 2812-1 degree of cure in accordance with UNI 9852 salt spray test with NSS solution thermal cycling in climatic chamber cyclic mechanical loads resistance in accordance with UNI EN 13261.

Non destructive examinations

The NDTs (Non Destructive Examinations) are a historic milestone during the Quality Control of base materials and welded joints. In the Italian Institute of Welding Group's Laboratory, conventional and advanced Non Destructive Examinations are available for integrating more complex analyzes (suc as in case of the Failure Analysis) and for evaluating the quality level of welded coupons before the mechanical testing (such as in case of the Qualification of Welders or the Qualification of Welding Procedures). Moreover, we can also carry out NDTs for evaluating the compliance of base materials or welded joints with predetermined quality levels, on the basis of the Client applicable acceptance criteria or specifications. In the Italian Institute of Welding Group's Laboratory the following methods are available: Visual Examination (VT) Ultrasonic Test (UT) Advanced Techniques Ultrasonic Test (AUT) Film or Computer Radiographic Examination (RT) Magnetic Particle Examination (MT) Dye Penetrant Examination (PT) Leak Testing (LT) The NDTs are usually performed in accordance with the EN ISO International Standards or with the ASME BPV Section V requirements; other Client Standard or Specifications can be applied on request. The Laboratory staff executing the NDTs is qualified and certified in accordance with the Standard EN ISO 9712 and / or the ASNT Recommendation SNT-TC-1A.

Calibration and verification of NDT equipment

The Italian Institute of Welding Group's Laboratory is able to carry out characterisation and calibration of NDT equipment, with special focus on radiographic examination, magnetic particles examination,ultrasonica examination and dye penetrants. The above mentioned activities are usually performed in accordance with the applicable EN or EN ISO Standards or with ASME / ASTM Standards. Particularly, the following calibrations / characterisations are available: Verification of the effective focal spot dimension of industrial X-Ray tubes Verification of the penetration power of industrial X-Ray tubes Verification of optical densitometers for Industrial films Verification of industrial illuminators for radiographic films Characterisation and verification of the black light intensity of for magnetic particle or dye penetrants examinations Verification of the lifting power of yokes for magnetic particle examination Verification of probes for Ultrasonic examination - Conventional or advanced Techniques Beside the above mentioned verifications / calibrations, it is possible to contact the IIS PROGRESS Laboratory for a technical anc commercial proposals also for other kinds of NDT equipment. At the end of the calibrations / characterisations the Level 3 UNI EN ISO 9712 Personnel in charge will issue a Test report in accordance with the applicable Standard.

Creep tests on metallic or thermoplastic materials

The Italian Institute of Welding Group's Laboratory is able to perform tests for determining the creep behaviour of metals and plastics according to the methods described in different international standards (ASTM, ISO). The testing procedures allow to observe the increase in deformation vs time, evaluating the deformation rate up to temperatures of 1100°C for metals and 205°C for plastics. The purpose of a creep test is verifying and recording the behaviour of a parent metal or a welded joint with a certain applied stress at constant temperature. Further to provide a characterization of the material, the test results also allow to extrapolate the service life of a component up to 100’000 hours according to the most up-to-date calculation models proposed by the international codes (e.g. Omega Test Method - API 579, ASTM).

Physical and chemical analyses

In addition to the traditional chemical and physical tests, the Italian Institute of Welding Group Laboratory is able to perform specific measurements and analysis, applicable in the industrial sectors in which the IIS Group operates. Chemical analysis with Optical Emission Spectroscopy (OES) Semi – quantitative chemical analysis with EDS Diffusible Hydrogen and/or water content of welding consumables Chemical and physical tests on electronics components Welding Fumes and emissions rates analysis.

Failure Analysis

Failure analysis

The Italian Institute of Welding Group Laboratory can boast decades of experience in the design of testing methods for the characterisation and the verification of the base materials and the welded joints behavior, aimed at the study of the phenomena and fracture modes and  damage (Failure Analysis) of components in service. The experience gained in the field of metallography and corrosion, together with the expertise in structural and process Engineering allow us to carry out the analysis of damage mechanism and to approach complex metallurgic problems. The effective added value of our testing services is due to the test results interpretation. The experience gained by the IIS Group in more than sisty years supporting Fabricators and final users, including Engineering activities, Diagnostics and Technical Assistance, has made available to our Group a wide expertise related to the original properties of the selected materials, of the fabrication processes, of the typical damage mechanisms of structures and components. By means of this expertise we are able to define significant correlations among the test results, the original properties of materials and components, the phenomena and the service conditions able to lead to the modifications and the damage ... to offer our Client the best possible advice. The acknowledgements we consistently receive by our Clients lead us to perform about 150 Failure analysis studies every year.

Welding Processes

Welding Laboratory

Our Welding Processes Laboratory is a structure equipped with solutions for the automatic, mechanised and robotised welding, covering both fusion and solid state processes, with a specific branch fully dedicated to the Adhesive Bonding. In the Welding Laboratory are available the following technologies: powder plasma transferred arc (PTA) submerged arc welding with square wave 1000 A power source robotised welding cell with GMAW-CMT, Fiber Laser (with 3 kW source) or Laser Hybrid solid state Friction Stir Welding (FSW) for aluminum / magnesium alloys, steels, nickel or titanium alloys automatic Laser CO2 (with 6 kW source) In the Laboratory a special branch for the Adhesive Bonding is also available, equipped with manual and mechanised systems and with a wide range of industrial adhesives.

Technical assistance for welding consumables and equipment manufacturers

The Italian Institute of Welding Group's Laboratory may carry out technical assistance services for welding consumables and welding equipment manufacturers.
In the first case, the consumables can be tested at experimental level in order to verify the mechanical, chemical and physical properties certified by their producers with reference to the applicable International standards (EN, ISO, AWS A.5), carrying out all weld metal test coupons. In ou Laboratory it is possible to design and carry out experimental trials in real time, e.g. testing the consumable behavior in different PWHT conditions or varying the welding procedure specifications. In the case of manual or partly mechanised welding processes too, the Welding Laboratory can rely on the support of  our Instructors and Technicians having a long experience in manufacturing processes. The Laboratory staff is also able to evaluate the test results, with a continuous dialogue with the consumable manufacturer, integrating - where necessary - the mandatory tests with additional ones (e.g fracture mechanics, corrosion, diffusible hydrogen, total water in case of different temperature and RH storage conditions).
In the second case, welding equipment (automatic, mechanised or robotised) can be tested with reference to agreed technical specification in order to verify their welding performances. The Italian Institute of Welding Group's Laboratory is able to provide technical assistance for Welding Manuals preparation and for "pre-qualified WPS" certification according to EN ISO 15612.

Additive Manufacturing

Technical-scientific assistance and consultancy in the Additive Manufacturing sector

The Genoa Additive Manufacturing Laboratory (GeAM) of Additive Manufacturing and 3D printing is active in Genoa as the result of the agreement signed between the IIS, Italian Institute of Welding, and the Polytechnic School of the University of Genoa with the departments of Engineering Mechanics, Energy, Management and Transportation (Dime) and Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering (Dicca). This collaboration leads to the creation of a mixed Academy-Industry structure aimed at developing a center in Liguria dedicated to metallic materials 3D printing, able to support both the research activity and the lines of development of the local and national industry.
This collaboration represents a point of absolute excellence for Liguria in accordance with the recent Government development plans related to Industry 4.0 and Intelligent Manufacturing between Research and Industry. GeAM has several systems for additive manufacturing, in particular at the IIS Laboratory the system is active for metal materials based on laser bed deposition technology (SLM - Selective laser melting) and systems for polymeric materials at the Polytechnic School laboratory.
With the support of the IIS testing laboratory, the Joint Laboratory can carry out mechanical, chemical and defective characterization, and heat treatments on additive manufacturing components.                >> Services     Research and innovation activities co-financed or sponsored     Feasibility studies and experimental prototyping     Design of components for additive manufacturing     Prototype development     Mechanical, chemical and defect characterization of prototypes     Support for the qualification of the process     Staff training     Organization of workshops and conferences.   >> References Partner of the Lighthouse Plant project of Ansaldo Energia.
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